What is the effect of true Forgiveness ?

In A Course in Miracles the effect of Forgiveness is not that you get rid of something in the external world or that projections disappear in the way we would like, but

it is a change in perception.

The Course teaches that the world is a dream—a false reality born from our belief in separation. Forgiveness is the moment you realize: “This is a dream. This is not the truth. And I am not dependent on this dream to find peace.”

The change in perception does not mean that the dream will immediately change the way you want it to. Sometimes, the ego seems to scream even louder when you get closer to truth. Why? Because the ego does not want to be “forgiven” it wants to survive. The ego even grows bigger and louder when it feels threatened, and that is why sometimes the world seem to get worse.

Why does the world seem to get worse?

•The world is a mirror, not a cause. What you see in the world is not a result of what you as human being think. It is a reflection of what you are becoming aware of in the mind. When you grow spiritually, you actually become more conscious of the madness of the ego—and that can feel like things are getting worse.

•The ego resists exposure. When you start to recognize aspects of your own ego, it can create inner conflict. This gets projected onto the external world, making it seem as if the world is becoming more chaotic. But in reality, it is a sign that you are looking deeper.

•The dream only becomes ‘happy’ when you stop clinging to it. This is a difficult paradox: the happy dream does not come because the dream gets better, but because you realize it is a dream. This means you can find peace despite wars, pandemics, or an angry neighbor.

You forgive, yet the outside world seems to get angrier, why?

This could mean two things:

1.Your forgiveness confronts the ego. When you truly forgive, you withdraw your energy from the conflict. To the other , this may feel like a loss of power, causing that person to resist even more.

2.Something in you is still waiting for the world to change. Sometimes we think we have forgiven, but deep down, we are hoping that the other person/ the world will behave differently as a result. That is not true forgiveness—that is a transaction. Real forgiveness says: I release you from having to change for me. You can be angry. I am free.

So how does it work?

•See the world as a movie: You can watch a violent film without panicking because you know it’s just a script. The same is true for the world—it plays an ego-script, but you don’t have to get involved.

•Forgiveness is inner work: It does not mean that the external world will immediately change, but that you will see it differently. If you find inner peace, it doesn’t matter how loudly the ego shouts outside of you.

•Let go of expectations: The idea that the world must improve because of your forgiveness is still an ego desire. In reality, the world is neutral—it is our interpretation that makes it seem “chaotic” or “beautiful.”

The Paradox of Forgiveness

Forgiveness does not mean that the world becomes a better place. It means that you stop believing the world can take anything away from you. Once you reach that point, it no longer matters whether there are wars, pandemics, or angry people. You stand outside of it. And only then can the dream change—but that is a side effect, not the goal.

The happy dream is not a beautiful dream. It is a dream in which you finally realize it is just a dream. That is true freedom.

With love and light,


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By Gonny

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