Imagine waking up in the morning and preparing yourself for a big battle. Not against your neighbors, not against your job (although it sometimes feels like that), but against… yourself! This may sound absurd, but if we’re honest, we do this all the time without even realizing it.
The chapter from *A Course in Miracles* that we’re discussing here explains that we often fight against an enemy that doesn’t really exist. We worry, feel guilty, or ashamed of things we’ve done in the past. We see mistakes in ourselves and in others, and this makes us think we constantly need to fight—as if there’s something outside of us that wants to harm us. But here’s the joke: that ‘enemy’ is just a figment of our own mind! We created it ourselves.
Let’s apply this to something everyday: your partner forgets, once again, to put their dirty socks in the laundry basket. There you are, tossing and turning at night, convincing yourself that they *deliberately* left the socks on the floor just to irritate you. In your mind, this has grown into a huge issue. The next morning, you give them a suspicious look: “Why do you always do this?” Your partner, completely unaware that a war is going on, looks at you bewildered.
This is exactly what the Course means by creating our own enemies. We feel victimized by something that’s not really that important. Maybe your partner is just tired or didn’t even notice. But your internal ‘war’ has made you believe they’re against you. And before you know it, you’ve convinced yourself that those socks are a global problem.
The Course teaches that true strength doesn’t lie in the ability to fight but in innocence. When you look at the world through the eyes of innocence, there’s no reason to fight. Those socks? They’re just socks. And your partner is just your partner, who sometimes forgets things—just like you probably do at other times.
When we stop looking for blame in ourselves and others, the world begins to clear up. The socks on the floor? They almost start to shine in their simplicity, and you realize there’s nothing to worry about. What a relief!
The Course is clear: “No one is strong who has an enemy.” Because if you think you have an enemy, you must be weak—right? Otherwise, you would have nothing to fear. This means that the enemy we see outside of us actually reflects our own sense of weakness. Once you stop looking for enemies, you discover that there’s only innocence, and innocence has nothing to fear.
All we need to do is remind ourselves of our own innocence, and that of others. It’s like putting on a new pair of glasses that allows us to see things differently. You start to realize that all those little things—the socks on the floor, the wrong order at the restaurant, the car cutting in front of you—aren’t meant to block you. They’re just events, innocent and without malice.
So why waste our lives fighting against imaginary enemies? Instead, let’s walk through life with a smile, knowing that our true strength lies in innocence and love.
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