Hermes Trismegistus, often regarded as a fusion of the Egyptian god Thoth and the Greek god Hermes, is seen as a wise master who transmitted universal, timeless knowledge. His teachings form the foundation of Hermeticism, a mystical philosophy that has been influential for centuries — from ancient Egypt to the Renaissance.
Here are the Seven Hermetic Principles, as outlined in The Kybalion (a 20th-century summary based on older texts):
-The first Principle of Mentalism : “All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.”
Everything that exists arises from the One Consciousness. The physical world is not a fixed reality but a thought-form within the Universal Mind.
-The second Principle of Correspondence : “As above, so below; as within, so without.”
There is a deep harmony and correspondence between all levels of existence. The microcosm reflects the macrocosm, and vice versa.
-The third Principle of Vibration: “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”
Everything in the universe is in constant motion — from the smallest particles to the highest states of consciousness. Frequency shapes experience.
-The fourth Principle of Polarity: “Everything is dual; everything has two poles; everything has its opposite.”
Light and darkness, love and fear, warmth and cold — they are extremes of the same essence. Transformation arises from understanding and transcending polarity.
-The fifth Principle of Rhythm: “Everything flows in and out; everything has its tides.”
The universe moves in cycles, waves, and rhythms. This helps us accept change and not get lost in temporary highs and lows.
-The sixth Principle of Cause and Effect: “Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.”
There is no such thing as chance; everything arises from a lawful order. Conscious choices create conscious experiences.
-The seventh Principle of Gender: “Gender is in everything; everything has masculine and feminine principles.”
Creation arises through the union of the active and the receptive. This is not literal sex, but an energetic principle at work in all things.
Comparing Hermetic principles with ACIM:
The first Hermetic Principle: Mentalism – The Universe is Mental
ACIM Perspective:
Everything you experience is a projection of your mind. There is no world “out there” independent of your thoughts. The only true Cause is Spirit, and the world is a visual echo of the belief in separation.
“There is no world! This is the central thought the course attempts to teach.” (W-132.6:2)
The Course teaches that we are not victims of the world we see — we are the dreamers of the dream. And because the dream is of our own making, we hold the power to choose again.
You are not a puppet in the play — you are the playwright. You wrote the script and cast the characters. You can now invite a new co-author: the Holy Spirit.
The second Hermetic Principle: Correspondence – As above, so below; as within, so without.
ACIM Perspective:
Your outer world mirrors your inner condition. Projection makes perception. Whatever you see “out there” is the result of what you believe and value within.
“Perception is a mirror, not a fact.” (W-304)
When you choose fear, the world reflects threat. When you choose love, the world becomes soft, gentle, forgiving. The world you see is a classroom for healing — and every image can be reinterpreted.
You are a lighthouse. The direction of your beam determines what you illuminate — not because the world changes, but because your light does.
The thirth Hermetic Principle: Vibration – Nothing rests; everything moves.
ACIM Perspective:
In the Course, vibration is not described in physical terms but in terms of alignment with Love or ego. Every thought emits a frequency — not in energy, but in purpose. Are you extending love, or projecting fear?
Your peace, your joy, your clarity — these are not the result of external vibrations, but the result of a healed mind remembering its Source.
“Peace of mind is clearly an internal matter.” (T-2.VI.1:1)
You are like a tuning fork: when attuned to the Voice for God, you resonate in harmony with all creation.
The fourth Hermetic Principle: Polarity – Everything is dual; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree.
ACIM Perspective:
The Course teaches that the ego made a world of opposites: good and bad, light and dark, life and death. But in truth, opposites do not exist. Reality is One. What seems to be a spectrum is an illusion created by belief in separation.
“Truth is whole. And nothing but the truth can be true.” (T-14.II.4:6)
Where the ego sees conflict, the Holy Spirit sees opportunity for healing — not by choosing between opposites, but by rising above them and remembering unity.
Imagine a tightrope walker on the rope of opposites. The goal is not to lean left or right, but to find stillness above the rope — where duality dissolves.
The fifth Hermetic Principle: Rhythm – Everything flows in and out; all things rise and fall
ACIM Perspective:
The world of form appears to move in cycles, ups and downs, like a pendulum. But the Self that you truly are is changeless. The fluctuations you seem to experience are part of the dream, not your Identity.
“Nothing real can be threatened.” (T-in.2:2)
You can observe the rhythm of the world without being swept up in it. The Holy Spirit lifts you to the quiet center where nothing changes — where you remember peace is your natural state.
You are the still point in the turning world. You watch the waves come and go, but you no longer identify with the tide.
The sixth Hermetic Principle: Cause and Effect – Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.
ACIM Perspective:
In the ego’s version of reality, cause and effect are reversed. We believe something outside us (effect) caused our feelings (cause). The Course corrects this: the mind is cause, and the world is effect.
“I see only the past.” (W-7)
“I am not the victim of the world I see.” (W-31)
Healing begins when we take back responsibility for our perception and stop blaming illusions for our suffering.
Your mind is the projector. The world is the screen. Changing the film changes the story — but only from the source, never from the image.
The seventh Hermetic Principle: Gender – Everything has masculine and feminine principles.
ACIM Perspective:
The Course transcends gender entirely. It teaches that we are not bodies, and therefore not defined by masculine or feminine traits. However, it does acknowledge the harmony of what might be called “active” and “receptive” states of mind — like decision (masculine) and guidance (feminine).
The Holy Spirit represents the gentle voice that receives, while Christ Mind is the decision to remember truth. Together, they are the divine balance that restores wholeness.
“You are not a body. You are free.” (W-199)
Think of a flower opening to the sun. The seed chooses to grow (decision), but it must also open and receive the light (receptivity). Both are needed to bloom.