The Role of Forgiveness in a Global Crisis

There comes a moment in the life of every seeker when the veil begins to thin. You start to remember that you are so much more than a body, more than a person with a name and a past. You are the Son of God, eternally one with the Source of Love.

And as this awareness grows, something remarkable happens: you become also more aware of the ego—the thought of separation that presents the world as reality.

The ego does not just operate on an individual level; it works on a collective scale. And the more conscious you become of who you truly are, the clearer you see how the ego operates worldwide.

At first, you saw it in the pandemic—a global image of illness and vulnerability. Now you see a new collective focus: fear. All over the world, things are happening that make people anxious—political instability, war, economic crises, natural disasters. The ego seems to create the perfect circumstances to keep the illusion of separation alive.

But when you wake up, you see the game. You see the patterns. And then comes the real question: What do you do with it?

According to A Course in Miracles, God has given us only one function in this dream world: forgiveness.

Not the worldly version of forgiveness, where we ‘generously’ forgive others for their mistakes. No, true forgiveness means recognizing that what we see is merely an illusion.

When you see fear—on the news, in the world, in people around you—you are not seeing ‘hard reality.’ You are seeing a projection of the ego. And you have the power to recognize it for what it is and give it back to the Holy Spirit.

In practical terms, this means:

Whenever you perceive fear, ask yourself: Is this real? Remind yourself: God has given me the function of forgiveness. Ask the Holy Spirit: Help me to forgive this. Let me see the truth. Acknowledge: This is an illusion. The only truth is love.

And then something miraculous happens: fear loses its grip.

Not because the world immediately changes, but because your perception changes.

When you wake up, you realize that the world has always been the ego’s stage play. It keeps creating new dramas—from illness to war, from economic collapse to climate disasters. But it is all just another chapter in the same old story: separation. You can choose to be caught up in the story, or you can choose to stay awake.

You, as the Son of God, have a different purpose: not to fix the world, but to see it differently. And that starts with forgiveness. Not as an act of kindness, but as a recognition that you see through the dream.

Every time you perceive fear and choose to give it to the Holy Spirit, you make a choice for love. And that choice radiates—into your surroundings, to others, and to the entire world.

This is your only purpose now !!

Not to fight against the world. Not to defeat the ego. But to recognize every perception of fear as an illusion and return it to the truth.

The pandemic was not the problem. The fear of today is not the problem. The problem has always been that we took the dream seriously.

And the solution? Remembering that it is a dream.

God has given you only one task: forgive and wake up.

That is how the world changes. Not through struggle, but by seeing that nothing has ever truly happened that could affect your real Self.

Love is the only truth. Everything else is just noise.

With love and light,


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By Gonny

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