The Political Polka: How the Ego Takes Over the Dance Floor

The rise of political extremism and the challenges to democracy are hot topics around the world. From radical leaders to authoritarian regimes, the headlines are filled with stories of political turmoil. But what if we looked at this chaos through the lens of *A Course in Miracles* (ACIM)? Imagine that the ego, with its constant need for drama, is the one pulling the strings, inviting everyone to a ‘political polka’ on the dance floor of duality.

The ego loves a good show: it divides the world into ‘us’ versus ‘them,’ ‘right’ versus ‘wrong,’ and ‘my side’ versus ‘your side.’ It’s like a political soap opera where everyone is trapped in endless debates about who is right and who is wrong. But while we’re busy with this tango of duality, we miss the point: it’s all an illusion!

According to ACIM, the world, including politics, is a projection of our inner state. When we identify with the ego, we believe in scarcity, separation, and conflict. So what happens? We create a world where political leaders embody these ideas: power struggles, fear of the ‘other,’ and the desire for control. It’s as if we’re voting for our own ego every election cycle!

Let’s add a touch of humor to this picture. Imagine the ego starting its own political party: the EGO Party (Endorsing Great Opinions). Their campaign slogan? “Choose Fear, because united we’re stronger… alone!” Their election promise? To give your ego everything it ever wanted: recognition, power, and of course, the illusion that your side is always right.

And there we are, caught in the ego’s dance. But what if we stopped dancing? What if we took a moment to catch our breath and invited the Holy Spirit to be the DJ at our party? His playlist would look very different: songs of unity, forgiveness, and love. No competition, no conflict, just a rediscovery of our true nature as One. No more political polka, but a serene waltz of inner peace.

The real solution to political polarization lies in recognizing our unity. As long as we believe there is something to win or lose, the ego will keep us in its grip. But as soon as we realize there is only love to give and receive, the lines of division disappear.

So, how do we deal with the rise of political extremism and the challenges to democracy? By changing the vote—not at the ballot box, but in our own minds. Let’s dissolve our inner EGO Party and vote for love instead. Imagine what would happen if we all chose forgiveness and unity. We might not need elections anymore because we’d realize we’re already One in truth.

And remember, the next time you get caught up in political debates or election drama, take a step back. Laugh at the ego for taking itself way too seriously and invite the Holy Spirit to take over the show. Because in the grand political dance of the ego, the only real solution is realizing we don’t have to dance at all. We can simply sit in silence and enjoy the peace that’s always available if we choose it.

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By Gonny

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