We often hear that “everything happens for a reason” or that “light cannot exist without darkness.” But if we are truly One, if only Love is real, why would consciousness dream of evil at all? What purpose does it serve?
ACIM teaches that the world we see is not real, it is a projection, a dream, a illusion. And yet, within this illusion of a reality, we seem to struggle against forces of darkness: dictators we despise, wars that rage, suffering that seems endless. But what if all of it, the entire illusion of evil, is here for one reason only?
Not to punish us.
Not because we deserve it.
But because it is the perfect way to wake up.
Imagine standing in a room with only light. No shadows, no contrast. The light is so all-encompassing that you cannot see it, you simply are it. Now, imagine a single object appears, casting a shadow. Suddenly, you notice the light, not because it wasn’t there before, but because now you can perceive it.
In truth, there is only the light. But in this dream of separation, we created contrast so we could remember what we truly are.
Evil, fear, suffering, none of it is real. But in this illusion, it serves a purpose. Every shadow we see is an invitation to recognize the light that was always there.
Why are we so afraid of evil? Not because it has real power, but because it reminds us of our own hidden thoughts….things we don’t want to face.
Take politics, for example. Imagine a leader whose words and actions fill you with rage. What exactly triggers you? Their dishonesty? Their hunger for control? Their lack of compassion?
Now ask yourself: Where do I hold these qualities within myself?
Maybe not on the same scale, but do I ever twist the truth to make myself look better? Do I ever try to control situations to feel safer? Do I ever withhold love from others when I judge them?
The politician is not separate from you. He or she is simply a mirror showing you what is unhealed within your own mind. This is not to say that their actions are justified, only that if we want to truly transcend them, we must first look within.
The world is not attacking us, it is showing us what needs to be forgiven. The moment we recognize this, our perception changes.
That annoying person? A chance to practice patience.
That betrayal? A chance to remember our invulnerability.
That dictator? A chance to see where we still hold onto control and fear.
When we stop resisting our projections and start using them as tools for awakening, we begin to see that everything is in our best interest. Every challenge, every irritation, every moment of pain, it is all perfectly designed to lead us home.
We spend our lives searching for light, for peace, for love to discover it was never missing!! It was simply obscured by the illusions we chose to believe in.
When we stop fighting the darkness and start recognizing it as part of this illusion of reality, something shifts. Everything softens. The figures that once seemed like enemies become teachers. And the fear that once held us hostage begins to dissolve.
Remember there is only one truth: we were never lost, never broken, never separate. We only dreamed we were.
And now, we are waking up.
With love and light,