Often, I have one of those days where my mind feels like a battlefield. One part of me says, ‘If you want to get rid of that stiffness, go to the swimming pool!’ while another voice inside whispers, ‘Stay on the couch, grab the iPad, and start thinking about an article for Facebook or our website, nullity.nl.’ (Something I truly love )
It feels like I’m constantly torn between choices, between what I should do and what I want to do.
But what if this whole struggle is based on a misunderstanding?
Today’s lesson of ACIM says: ‘There is no will but that of God”. This is one of those mind-bending truths that seem impossible at first. Because let’s be honest: we love the idea of having free will. The ability to make our own choices, to be independent, to decide what we want.
But think about it… does free will really make us happy? Or does it just keep us stuck in an endless loop of decisions, doubts, and regrets?
Here’s something to think about : do we actually HAVE two competing wills or do we just BELIEVE we have?
The belief that we’re pulled between two opposing forces—one leading us to peace, the other to chaos—is actually an illusion. The reality? We have only one true will, and it’s already aligned with peace, clarity, and happiness.
ACIM says (in other words ofcourse) we don’t have to choose between stress and ease, love and fear, joy and suffering. The idea that we have competing desires is like arguing whether you should swim with the current or against it—when in Reality, the current is always moving in one direction.
The big question is : Where does the conflict come from?
If our will is naturally peaceful, why does it feel like we’re constantly at war with ourselves? The answer is : because we believe in choices that don’t actually exist.
Imagine going to an ice cream shop that only serves chocolate, but they hand you a menu anyway. You stare at it, trying to decide: Vanilla? Strawberry? Pistachio?
You start stressing, weighing the options… until the guy behind the counter says, “Oh, sorry, those flavors don’t actually exist.”
Well, that was pointless!!!!!
That’s what our inner conflicts are like. We get caught up in choices that aren’t even real, struggling between what we think we want and what we already are. We’re trying to pick between illusions when the only reality is peace.
So, how do we get past this? How do we stop feeling like we’re being pulled in a hundred directions? Simple: we recognize that peace isn’t something we have to choose, it’s what’s already there when we stop entertaining illusions.
Whenever you feel inner conflict today, try this:
Pause. Notice when your mind starts pulling you into a debate.
Laugh at the Menu. Remind yourself: Oh, I’m trying to pick between things that don’t actually exist.
Return to What’s Real. Say to yourself: There is no will but truth. The rest is just nonsence.
Now, I know what you might be thinking. “If I don’t have free will, doesn’t that make me a puppet?”
Not at all. In fact, it’s the opposite. Trying to control everything is what exhausts us. Letting go of false choices is what sets us free. It’s like floating in water instead of thrashing around. The moment you relax, you realize you were always being held up. And that’s the real trick: Peace isn’t something we find. It’s what’s left when we stop fighting against what’s already ours.
So today, maybe just for fun, let’s stop arguing with reality. Let’s laugh at the imaginary menu, let go of fake decisions, and…just mayb…enjoy the only real choice there ever was: peace and as always l o v e.
With love and light,