Some songs are more than just music. They touch something deep within us, as if they awaken a memory we had almost forgotten. Niki Nana (We Are One) by Yanni is one of those songs. It’s not just a melody; it’s a celebration, an invitation to remember who we truly are: one Consciousness, one Life, one Love.

But wait… One? Really? Look around! So many different people, opinions, cultures, clashing egos, rising prices… and we say: “We are One?”

Yes. And let me show you why.

From ‘I’ to ‘We’

We grow up believing we are separate individuals. We have ‘my’ body, ‘my’ thoughts, ‘my’ opinion (which, of course, is always right). But if you look closely, you’ll see something extraordinary: that ‘my’ is an illusion.

Who are you without a name? Without a past? Without the stories of what was done to you, or what you have achieved?

What remains when you stop thinking for a moment?

Exactly. Pure Being. Consciousness itself. And Consciousness is not divided into little pieces. You, me, the neighbor, the cat three houses down, even the mosquito that kept you up last night… all expressions of the same Source.

Niki Nana… We Are One.

If we are truly One, why do we clash so often? Why is there war, jealousy, endless bickering over who gets the remote control?

Simple: because we believe in the dream of separation. ACIM calls this the ‘mistake’—the conviction that we are fragile little selves, in a world where we must fight for our place.

But what happens when we correct that mistake?

We start to see the world differently. The ‘other’ is no longer an ‘other’ but a reflection of ourselves. And suddenly, it no longer matters who is right, who wins, or who gets the last cookie. You see through the illusion.

Niki Nana is not a song meant for serious philosophical analysis. It invites us to celebrate. To stop thinking about life and start experiencing it. The ego melts when you laugh, sing, and dance—when you move from your head to your heart.

So why wait to wake up?

Sing. Laugh. Forgive. Dance.

Remember that we were never separate.

Niki Nana… We Are One.

With love and light


Kan een afbeelding zijn van 3 mensen, harp en menigte

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