You know that feeling—the ego lurking in the background, always present, like an attention-seeking actor who becomes more dramatic just to make sure you finally say: Alright, alright, I see you! You have my full attention!

Well, lately, it seems like the ego is no longer satisfied with small roles in our daily lives. No, it wants the lead role, and the stage is bigger than ever. Just look around: first pandemic, then wars making divisions and crises everywhere. Fear spreading like wildfire across the world. Everywhere you turn, the ego seems to be screaming:

“Can you see me now?!”

And indeed, we do see it. The spectacle has become so massive that we simply cannot ignore it anymore. But here’s the twist: that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Because what wefinally see, we can also forgive.

It’s as if the ego is saying:

“If you won’t see me in the small things, I’ll turn up the volume!”

And there it is: a world filled with drama, division, and seemingly unbridgeable differences. But what if we take a deep breath and look at this whole situation from a different perspective?

A Course in Miracles teaches that the world is a projection of our thoughts. What we perceive “out there” simply reflects what we believe “in here.” So if the world seems to be screaming with fear, conflict, and separation, maybe it’s not because things are getting worse, but because we are finally seeing clearly what was always there.

In other words: it’s not the world that’s getting bigger, it’s our awareness. We are beginning to see through the game. We see how the ego operates. And once we see it, we can choose.

The ego says: “Look how real I am!”

You respond: “I see you, but I choose love.”

The ego shouts: “This is a disaster!”

You whisper: “This is an opportunity to forgive.”

The ego screams: “Chaos! Panic! Fear!”

You smile: “Keep dreaming—I’m waking up.”

What Now?

Nothing. Or rather, nothing out of fear. Instead, we observe. We don’t react in panic but stay clear and centered. Because the fact that we see the ego so clearly now means we are already halfway to awakening.

Maybe you thought you were supposed to practice forgiveness on minor annoyances, but apparently, you were ready for the advanced course. A kind of ‘fast track’ to awakening.

So yes, the ego may be giving its greatest performance yet, but you? You are the audience member who has realized it’s just a play.

The real question is not: How do we fix these worldly problems?

The real question is: Do I still want to believe in this drama, or do I choose peace?

The ego is on stage, the lights are shining bright, the applause is deafening.

But you? You smile and calmly walk out of the theater.

You’ve seen through the illusion.

And just like that—it’s over.

The End.

With love and light


By Gonny

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