Lost in the World? Congratulations, You’re on the Right Track!

Have you ever had one of those mornings? You wake up, make a cup of tea or coffee, look outside, and suddenly think: What is this all about?

You thought you understood how the world worked—you had your certainties, your beliefs, your idea of how ‘things should be’—and then… BAM! Suddenly, everything seems upside down. What made sense yesterday feels absurd today. People are talking, but it just sounds like noise. The world keeps spinning, but where is it going?

Good news: this is a great sign.

According to A Course in Miracles, this world isn’t real—it’s a projection of our thoughts. We created a movie and got so caught up in it that we forgot we were the director. But one day, the images start to glitch. The actors seem out of character. You start to see through the special effects.

This isn’t the end—it’s the beginning. You’re not going crazy; you’re waking up.

You shoud : “Help! Everything Feels Meaningless!”

Yes, that happens when your old certainties start to crumble. The ego will whisper, See? You have nothing left to hold onto! This is scary! You’re losing everything!

But what if you’re not losing anything—just making space for something better?

Imagine you’ve been wearing an old, worn-out coat for years. It’s full of holes, but you keep wearing it because you think it’s the only one you have. Then one day, someone says, Hey, check your closet. You look, and there it is—a beautiful, warm coat that still fits perfectly.

But to wear it, you have to let go of the old one.

What Now? How Do You Get Through This? Start with laughing about it. Look around and notice how absurd the world is. The ‘important things’ people stress over, the endless opinions, the serious faces… It’s like a play where everyone is too deep in their role. You get to step backstage and meet the director.

And start to trust that something bigger will come. If the world doesn’t seem to make sense right now, stop trying to figure it out. Do something that makes you happy. Listen to music, take a walk in nature, play with a dog, dance around your living room. Confusion is just a transition—enjoy the ride!Never ever think you’re alone. Look around—or better yet, look online. See how many people are going through the same thing. We’re waking up together. The world seems upside down because now we can learn to see it in a new way

So if you feel a little lost today, congratulations. You’re not alone, and more importantly, you’re exactly where you need to be. Let the old ideas collapse, allow yourself to not know for a while, and see what happens.

With love and light,


By Gonny

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