Today, we have a beautiful lesson from ACIM: *Let it be as it is*. It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? But oh, how talented we are at making sure things are not as they are! We are masters at finding reasons why things should be different: “If only I had done this… If only I had been there… Why did he say that?” It seems like an endless list of ‘what ifs’ and ‘if onlys.’
But what if, just for a moment, we stopped all those thoughts? What if, like a master chocolatier admiring his perfect praline, we looked at our lives with a smile and said, “It’s exactly as it should be.” We don’t need to change, fix, or repair anything. What a relief that would be!
Bashar talks about the same topic in one of his videos. He says, with his typical Bashar energy: “Everything is perfect as it is. You do not need to change anything for it to be perfect. You only need to change your perspective.” And there it is again, that shift from the ego mind, which always has something to complain about, to the Spirit, which sees perfect harmony in everything.
The ego is like a child comparing his drawing to his friend’s. “But my sun isn’t yellow enough!” it cries. And the Spirit watches lovingly, smiling, and says, “Sweetheart, your sun is perfect. Your whole drawing is a masterpiece.” We often forget that we are the universe expressing itself in millions of ways, and that every expression is exactly as it should be.
Let’s take a moment to let this sink in. What if, just for today, we decided to let everything be as it is? To not fight against the wave but to go with the flow. To see that email that didn’t go well as a chance to reconnect. To thank that car that cut you off on the highway for reminding you that you’re still practicing patience (and yes, that can be done with a wink and a smile!).
We often tend to tell the universe how it should do its job. “Dear God, wouldn’t you consider making my neighbor a bit friendlier?” But what if we realized that everyone is exactly where they need to be, as they need to be? Including ourselves. Yes, even when we don’t particularly like ourselves, or when that pile of dishes in the sink seems to be calling our name.
So, let’s practice together today: breathe in, breathe out, and let it be as it is. Life is a dance, and we are all beautiful dancers, even if we sometimes step on each other’s toes.
And who knows, maybe we’ll discover that in this very acceptance and embracing of everything as it is, true freedom lies. Because if everything is already perfect as it is, what do we have to lose?
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