How Do You Know If Something Is True?

Let’s be honest: we humans are a bit like herd animals. If a hundred people say something, it seems far more convincing than if only one person says it. That’s just how our brains work. We think, “Well, if all these people say it’s true, then it must be, right?”

But if truth were determined by popularity, we would still believe that the Earth is flat, that leeches cure all diseases, and that the best way to survive a witch trial is by not drowning.

I often notice in myself that I feel a sense of joyful confirmation when spiritual teachers like Eckhart Tolle or Rupert Spira say the same things I’ve felt or understood. I find myself thinking, “See? I got it right!” But then comes the intriguing question: if I only consider something true when others agree, is it really true?

A Course in Miracles is quite clear on this: truth is not something we vote on. It’s not about “How many likes does this truth have on social media?” No—truth simply is. Period. It doesn’t change, it isn’t based on opinions, and it doesn’t need defense. It is as steady as a mountain, while beliefs are more like quicksand.

ACIM invites us to stop looking for truth in what the masses say and instead experience it directly for ourselves. Does something bring peace when you consider it true? Then you’re probably on the right track. Does it create fear, guilt, or division? Then it’s likely just another well-disguised illusion.

How Do You Know If Something Is True?

-Truth brings peace, not stress…..If you feel the need to prove something, you’re probably dealing with a belief, not truth.

-Truth doesn’t change….if something is true today but not tomorrow, it was an opinion, not truth.

-Truth is loving, never fearful….Fear sells well, and we all know that. But truth doesn’t need fear-mongering. Truth is patient, it smiles gently, and it winks at you as if to say, “I’ve been here all along.”

-Truth doesn’t need a fan club….If something only feels true because others confirm it, then maybe you’re not finding truth—you’re seeking approval.

We often see groups of people all saying the same thing, enthusiastically validating one another. (“Yes, this is IT!”) But as soon as a different perspective appears, resistance kicks in. Uh-oh! Truth doesn’t resist. It’s calm, gentle, and doesn’t need followers.

So, how do you know if something is true?

Perhaps the best answer is this: you feel it deep inside, without needing a group vote. You recognize truth the way you recognize the sun—not because someone tells you it’s there, but because you feel its warmth.

And if a hundred people feel the same way? Great. But if no one agrees with you and you still feel that quiet certainty… perhaps that’s the best proof that truth always reveals itself—to those who truly want to see.

And now, what about you? Do you feel a wink from truth, or do you have a few lovely illusions to investigate?

With love and light,


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