“God’s Plan vs. My Plan (And Who Actually Wins?)”

Do you know that feeling? You’re standing and suddently you start to doubt: What should I do? What’s the right choice? What if I make the wrong decision? Before you know it, you’re directing a full Netflix series in your head, complete with worst-case scenarios.

Louise Richardson described this beautifully in her Facebook post—the struggle between trusting God’s Plan and the urge to control everything ourselves. The result? Worry, tension, and, as a bonus, a nice collection of psychosomatic complaints like back pain (the burden of not knowing), knee pain (fear of moving forward), and headaches (overthinking).

Well, welcome to the club. This is the classic human dilemma: Do I handle things myself, or do I surrender to the greater intelligence that has already arranged everything perfectly?

A Course in Miracles (ACIM) puts it simply:

“Trust your inner guide. See beyond illusions to the truth.”

In other words: Relax, God has this covered. But we humans tend to find that too simple. We want to know what’s going to happen. And since the universe doesn’t hand out spoilers, we create our own worst-case scenario. (And yes, it’s usually a horror film)

Why is it so difficult to trust God’s Plan? Simple: our ego believes it’s the director of this movie.

If we look back at our lives, we often see that everything unfolded exactly as it should—maybe not the way we planned, but in the best way.

How many times have we thought:

“Oh no, this is a disaster!”

…only to later realize it was the best thing that ever happened to us?

Instead of stressing over which choice is the right one, there’s a much simpler approach: Hand it over to the Holy Spirit. But what do we do? We interfere, and then we end up in painfull situations.

If we really want to practice trust, we can ask ourselves one simple question:

“Am I willing to accept that I don’t know, but that it’s already okay?”

Or, as ACIM says:

“I don’t need to know how, I just need to be willing.”

And then… watch how miracles unfold. God knows exactly where we’re going. And He has never led anyone astray.

With love and light,


By Gonny

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