Right now, the world feels like it’s balancing on the edge of a knife. Everywhere you look, fear seems to be tightening its grip. The media keeps repeating the same message: “Be afraid. Be very afraid.”
But what if this isn’t just a time of crisis? What if this is the exact moment we’ve been waiting for?
According to Pia Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith, who channel the Pleiadian collective Laarkmaa….March 21, 2025, marks the end of the Kali Yuga!!! (a period in ancient Hindu cosmology known as the “Age of Darkness.)
The Kali Yuga is said to be a time of conflict, division, and forgetfulness of our true spiritual nature. But here’s the good news: this cycle is coming to an end. And what comes after it? That’s up to us.
The Pleiadians, and many other spiritual teachings, say that humanity is now at a crossroads. One path leads deeper into fear, control, and separation. The other leads to awakening, love, and unity.
The only question is: Where do WE/YOU place our/your attention?
March 21, 2025…11 days from now !!!!!
What will happen if we use all together this date not as a deadline, but as a collective shift in focus?
This doesn’t mean ignoring the suffering in the world or pretending that conflict and fear don’t exist. It simply means choosing, moment by moment, to center ourselves in love rather than in fear.
Instead of feeding anxiety about what might happen, focus on a world that can emerge…a world full of love…expansion…collaboration…peace…exchange…eguality…empathy…good things…an open heart..welcome for extraterrestials…knowledge…
As A Course in Miracles teaches, “The world you see is what you gave it, nothing more than that.” If we keep giving our attention to destruction, we will see destruction. If we shift our attention to love, peace, and the infinite potential of humanity, we will create exactly that.
How can we shift our attentjon and why it matters more than ever?
First of all decide what you want to see. Every day, we unconsciously reinforce the world we believe in. If we expect chaos, we will find it. If we look for signs of love, unity, and healing, we will find those instead. So, ask yourself: What world do I want to live in? And then, look for proof that it already exists.
And use March 21, 2025, as your mental reset
This isn’t about waiting for a magic moment, it’s about consciously using a date to train your mind. Let this be a personal experiment: between now and March 21, 2025, shift your focus to love every single day. No matter what happens in the news, no matter what fears arise, bring yourself back to love.
Yes, fear is loud, but it has no real power unless we believe in it. When fear rises about the future, about the state of the world, about personal struggles just recognize it for what it is: an old story. A habit of thought. Then, gently redirect your attention to something else. Something lighter. Something true.
Many spiritual traditions say that after the Kali Yuga comes a Golden Age—a time of reconnection, expansion, and higher awareness. Imagine that. Feel it. Let yourself believe in that world, even if the external world hasn’t caught up yet. Because here’s the secret: The future doesn’t create itself. We create it. And it starts with what we choose to focus on now.
Between now and March 21, 2025, the world will continue its turbulence. Some will say it’s the end of everything. Others will say it’s the beginning of something incredible. The difference won’t be in the events themselves, it will be in what we choose to see.
We have a choice. Make it!
Fear or love.
Despair or hope.
The past or the future.
So, as we move toward this energetic shift, let’s make it a practice, not to fight fear, but to gently turn our attention away from it. To stop feeding what we no longer wish to experience. To focus, again and again, on the love that is already here.
Because when enough of us do that, the world we long for won’t just be a possibility.
It will be reality.
With love and light,