I’ve already written about it… On March 21, 2025, we reach a turning point. The Pleiadians have foretold it, ancient prophecies speak of it, and astrology supports it: the end of the Kali Yuga – the dark age – and the birth of a new consciousness. Besides this so much has already happened: five planets aligned, three lunar eclipses are coming this year, and today, a red moon sends energetic waves to humanity.

Is all of this mere coincidence, or an invitation to look deeper into what reality truly is?

A few years ago, science delivered groundbreaking news – at least, for those who still believed in a tangible world: The smallest known particle, the quark, exists only when observed. No observer? No matter.

This raises a fundamental question: If everything we call matter appears only through observation, then who is the observer?

This is where science and spirituality meet. The observer is not the brain, not the eyes, but Consciousness itself. This is exactly what ACIM has been teaching all along: the world we see is not an objective reality but a projection of the thoughts and beliefs within Consciousness itself. Just like a VR headset displays a digital world, our thoughts create the illusion of a physical reality.

Let’s take a closer look at something as simple as a flame:

A flame is warm, right? But what if no one is there to feel the heat? Does the flame still have warmth? Without an observer, not only does heat disappear, but so do color and shape….in fact, everything that makes a flame a flame. So does the flame truly exist?

The same applies to a thumbtack. That sharp sting when you sit on one, is the pain coming from the tack itself, or is it your physical experience? The answer is clear, is ‘t it?

The tack has a color, but color is merely a reflection. Nothing has its own color. Without reflection, it is invisible.

But Consciousness chooses to perceive through a body a tack and tells the brain: “that reflection is color” and color makes shape..and so on. Again the observer makes matter.

Another thing I read is ….as we approach this cosmic crossroads our so-called junk DNA will be activated. But what if (I hope so) this simply means that we finally will remember who we truly are? That the veil of illusion is thinning, and we are starting to see more clearly that we are not separate, but one with the Consciousness that observes everything?

I’m curious to see how that unfolds.

But dear friends let’s not forget: ACIM teaches us that the world we see is a dream. And within this dream, we have a choice: Do we remain attached to the illusion of matter? Or do we open ourselves to the truth that we were never bodies, but always light, love, and pure awareness?

So, does this world exist?

No, only as long as we believe in it. And one thing is certain: when we look beyond form, something much greater awaits.

Something timeless. Something unchangeable. Something we don’t need to observe to know that it exists. And that… is love.

With love and light,


By Gonny

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