Every now and then, a thinker emerges who pieces together the lost fragments of our spiritual history and reminds us of what we have always known deep within. Betty J. Kovács, Ph.D., is one such thinker. With her deep knowledge of ancient spiritual traditions, her study of the Nag Hammadi Library, and her book and video Merchants of Light, she conveys a message that resonates with both modern consciousness studies and the insights of A Course in Miracles (ACIM).
Kovács argues that humanity has undergone spiritual suppression, in which ancient mystical knowledge has been systematically ignored or erased. Yet, there is hope: the Merchants of Light, the messengers of consciousness, are returning. And we, yes we, can be part of this movement.
Let us explore her work and vision, and see how they align with A Course in Miracles and our own path to restoring awareness.
The Nag Hammadi Library: Lost and Rediscovered
In 1945, a collection of texts was discovered in Egypt, now known as the Nag Hammadi Library. These writings contain a treasure trove of knowledge from early Christian and Gnostic traditions. Unlike the canonical biblical texts, these documents present a different image of Jesus and our spiritual origins.
At the heart of the Nag Hammadi texts is the idea that the physical world is an illusion, created by a lower power that seeks to keep humanity ignorant of its true nature. This directly parallels the core message of A Course in Miracles: that our world is a projection of a mistaken belief, and that true liberation is only possible through inner insight and forgiveness.
While the Nag Hammadi writings speak of the Demiurge—a deceptive force that keeps humanity in ignorance—ACIM speaks of the ego, which traps us in a world of separation and fear. Both teachings tell us that truth is not found outside of us, but within, waiting to be remembered.
Merchants of Light: Restoring Our Lost Consciousness
In her book and video Merchants of Light, Betty Kovács traces how spiritual traditions have been systematically suppressed throughout history by power structures such as the church and state. This suppression began with the destruction of ancient mystical schools and continued through inquisitions and the dominance of materialistic thinking.
Yet, this knowledge has never truly disappeared. It has survived in esoteric circles, in mystical experiences, and in the intuitive wisdom of those who remember that there is more to reality than what we see. Kovács describes how in the 20th and 21st centuries, a renewed awakening is emerging—one where science and spirituality no longer oppose each other but instead work in harmony. The Merchants of Light—the bearers of this wisdom—are returning, and we can join them by activating our own spiritual memory.
And this leads us to a crucial question: how do we restore our consciousness?
The Integration of the Brain Hemispheres: A Tool, Not a Reality
In A Course in Miracles, we learn that we are not a body and that our true identity lies in the mind, not in the physical brain or body. The brain is merely an instrument within the dream, a tool we can use to make a conscious choice for healing and awakening.
When we speak of integrating the left and right hemispheres of the brain, we are not referring to a purely neurological process but to a symbol of the inner shift from separation to unity.
• The left hemisphere can be seen as ego-thinking, focused on control, analysis, and separation.
• The right hemisphere represents intuition, connection, and the ability to see beyond illusion.
Within the dream world we currently experience, we have the choice to allow the Holy Spirit to guide our thinking. We could describe this as bringing the two hemispheres into cooperation—not because they are the source of consciousness, but because they symbolize how we can embrace unity again.
This choice helps us function better within the illusion until we fully awaken. We use a dream figure (the brain) as a symbol to train our mind to open up to truth.
ACIM teaches us that we must practice forgiveness and true perception within the dream, so that we eventually awaken from it. In this process, opening ourselves to intuition and unity—symbolized by the cooperation of our brain hemispheres—can be a useful tool.
In other words: we are not a body, but as long as we experience ourselves within the dream, we can make choices that help facilitate our remembrance of who we truly are.
The Call to Remember
Betty J. Kovács challenges us to embrace hidden wisdom and restore our full consciousness. Whether we approach her message through the Nag Hammadi Library, Merchants of Light, or A Course in Miracles, the core truth remains the same:
• The world as we perceive it is not true reality.
• True knowledge does not come from outside but from within.
• Our journey is a process of remembering what we once knew.
Are we ready to take on our role as Merchants of Light? Are we willing to look beyond the illusion and unite our right and left hemispheres in a higher state of consciousness?
The answer is not found in words or books, but in the experience of remembering who we truly are.
(I couldn’t write this article shorter ….sorry)
With love and Light,