Let’s start small. Really small. You’re here, on earth, in a body. At least, that’s what you think. You’re reading these words, maybe wondering: ‘where is this going?’ , but if you’re somewhat familiar with A Course in Miracles and the insights of Bashar, you already know: nothing is as it seems.
The reality you experience is not the reality. It’s a projection. A dream. An illusion. Some figures within the dream seem to be more aware of that than others.
Take Bashar, the extraterrestrial fragment of consciousness that speaks through Daryl Anka, offering messages about the nature of reality.
Or the starseeds, who claim to be here to help raise collective consciousness. Fascinating, isn’t it?
But how does all of this fit into the ACIM perspective?
According to Bashar, starseeds are fragments of consciousness that choose to incarnate in a human body with a specific mission. They have heightened intuition, and a strong desire to assist others in awakening.
ACIM would approach this a bit differently. It teaches that everyone is already light, already one with God, so the idea that some souls are more “special” than others is just another concept within the dream. However, starseeds can still serve a role in awakening. Why? Because they can act as a bridge between rigid, materialistic worldviews and a broader, more spiritual perspective. A starry dream figure, if you will.
The other day I watched a 10 year old so-called starseed on YouTube. He was talking a mile a minute about the Pleiades, Greys and other alien civilisations and how everything ‘really’ works. I felt like he was expressing the reality of the universe just as fervently as a university professor lecturing on quantum mechanics. And that’s where the real question arises: as long as we believe that what we know is the truth, aren’t we still trapped in the illusion?
If there’s one thing Bashar is known for, it’s his concept that this reality in the illusion is a matter of frequency and vibration. He says if you want a different reality change your vibration. Simple, right? (Yes yes very simple )
He teaches also that each moment is a jump into a new version of reality. You are constantly shifting from one parallel universe to another, based on your beliefs and emotions. Think of it like a film projector running at ultra-high speed, it seems like you’re experiencing a continuous story, but in truth, it’s just individual frames flashing by.
And what does ACIM say about this? Actually, it aligns quite well. ACIM teaches that the world you see is merely a reflection of your mind. Want a different experience? You don’t need to fix the external world, you only need to heal your mind.
Bashar, starseeds, aliens all over the universem you and me …we are all dream figures. Does that mean everything …he, they, we say is also part of the illusion? Absolutely. But just as some dreams can be enlightening, a dream figure like Bashar, aliens, umane teachers like Jesus and so many others can help us wake up.
In Reality we are already home. The only reason we don’t experience that is because we have forgotten who we are. All the help is a bonus.
Let us not forget that we don’t need to become something….we only need to let go of what is not true.
And if you’re still unsure about all this? Just shift to a parallel reality where you do get it. (countdown: 4 days)
With love and light,