We say it so often: “I don’t want to reincarnate anymore, this world is a hell!” or like ACIM students would say: “I’m done with this, I want to wake up from this dream!” But meanwhile… we get frustrated when someone takes ‘our’ parking spot, when grocery prices go up, or when someone criticizes our way of life.
Welcome to the paradise of attachment – the invisible glue that keeps us stuck to this world!
Eckhart Tolle explains it beautifully: we are not separate individuals, but an expression of one Consciousness. Everyone/thing is a single ray of light from the same sun. But the moment that ray starts attaching itself to forms—possessions, beliefs, roles, or even the body—problems arise. The consciousness becomes so contracted that it no longer recognizes itself.
A Course in Miracles calls this the dream: a false world where we define ourselves by what we hold onto. But as long as we cling to something, we remain in the dream.
How to Recognize Attachment?
Very simple. Ask yourself: “Can I be without this?”
• Can I be without my opinion about how life should be?
• Can I be without proving I’m right?
• Can I be without the illusion of control?
• Can I be without that extra bag of chips? (Okay, some attachments are harder than others.)
If the answer is a deep inner ‘NO,’ then you’ve found an attachment. And that means you’re not yet ready to let go of the dream.
Why Letting Go Feels Scary?
The ego loves attachment. Why? Because the ego exists through attachment! The ego is that voice in your head saying: “But this is important! This is MINE! This defines WHO I AM!”
If you let go of everything, what’s left? Who are you without your roles, possessions, opinions, and preferences?
Exactly. Silence. Space. Peace. And for the ego, that’s terrifying.
The Paradox: The Less You Hold Onto, the Freer You Are
Attachment is like an anchor in the ocean. You can dream of swimming freely, but as long as the anchor is stuck, you’re not going anywhere.
Ironically, letting go doesn’t mean you can’t have things. It just means you’re no longer defined by them. You can own a house without being attached to it. You can be in a relationship without feeling limited by it. You can enjoy a glass of wine without thinking, “If I don’t have this, my life is empty.”
Eckhart Tolle calls this non-attachment: living in the world without being bound by it. A Course in Miracles calls it forgiveness: realizing that it’s all an illusion and no longer reacting to it.
Let Go and See What Happens
Want to wake up from the dream? Start with small things:
• Let someone else be right without arguing.
• ‘Accidentally’ lose something without getting upset.
• Laugh when your plans fall apart and see how the universe might have something better for you.
Awakening isn’t something you achieve by trying harder. Awakening happens when you stop holding on.
So let it all go. Everything. And see what remains.
(Spoiler: It’s peace.)
With love and light

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