In recent years, the internet has been flooded with videos and stories about extraterrestrials, our ‘galactic neighbors.’ But amidst all these tales, one theme seems to resurface time and again: fear. “What if they come to conquer us?”, “What if they have malicious intentions?”, “What if they turn us all into hybrids?” … and the list goes on.
These thoughts sow unease and make us feel small and powerless. But what if there’s another way to look at this phenomenon?
Let’s take a step back and look at the bigger picture. According to A Course in Miracles, this world is nothing more than a dream, an illusion, a projection of the Son of God who has ‘forgotten’ who he truly is. In other words, everything we experience is, in fact, a reflection of our own mind.
Bashar, an entity who speaks through channeling, emphasizes that everything in our lives is a reflection of our own vibration. “Circumstances don’t matter, only state of being matters,” he says.
Both Bashar and ACIM teach us that our inner state determines how we experience situations. Since there are only two basic emotions, fear and love, we experience every situation from one or the other.
Let’s explore how this works by comparing two scenarios: one based on fear and one on love.
Scenario 1: Choosing Fear
Imagine that one day you find yourself face-to-face with an alien. Your heart starts to race, and you feel a wave of panic rising. Your thoughts are all over the place: “What if they’re here to harm us? What if they want to take over our planet?” Fear takes over, and you see the alien as a threat. You might freeze or try to run away. Everything in this situation feels threatening and hostile. The alien seems tense and keeps a distance because your fear resonates with its perception of you. Suddenly, your world feels small and suffocating.
This experience is a reflection of the choice for fear. You project your own feelings onto the situation, which makes you perceive it as frightening. This reinforces the illusion of separation and conflict, making you feel further away from connection and peace.
Scenario 2: Choosing Love
Now, let’s look at the same scenario, but with a choice for love. You see the alien and feel a wave of curiosity, maybe even wonder. There might be a slight tension at first, but then you remember: “This is my dream, my creation. How do I want to experience this?” You decide to open your heart, relax, and look at the being in front of you with a curious, open attitude.
The alien seems to smile (or whatever the extraterrestrial equivalent of a smile might be), and you feel a strange but profound connection. Perhaps you communicate telepathically or simply share a moment of mutual understanding. You realize that, at the core, you are the same: two expressions of the same source, the same love. The whole experience feels peaceful and even joyful.
This experience is a reflection of the choice for love. You see the situation through the eyes of unity and connection, which breaks the illusion of fear and creates space for a sense of peace and joy.
These two scenarios show how powerful our inner choice is. The external world is merely a mirror of our inner state. Whether we stand face-to-face with an alien, face a challenge at work, or deal with a difficult personal situation, the choice between fear and love is always ours. If we choose fear, we will see danger and threat everywhere. If we choose love, we open the door to peace and connection, even with beings from another planet.
So, the next time you encounter a situation that scares you, remind yourself that it’s not the circumstances that truly matter, but your inner state. And then make the choice that brings you the most joy. Who knows, maybe there’s an alien out there somewhere in the universe who’s also waiting for that invitation to love.
With a smile and a wink to our galactic neighbors, let’s choose love. Because, ultimately, we are all part of the same cosmic dance.
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