It seems as if the world is becoming more chaotic. Old structures are crumbling, societal systems are failing, and uncertainty is growing. It may feel like everything is falling apart. But what if this apparent chaos is not a sign of destruction, but of transformation? What if there is a deeper order hidden beneath what we now perceive as disorder?

“An underlying chaos is hidden order.” In the light of A Course in Miracles (ACIM), we can understand this on a deeper level. The world we perceive is not ultimate reality but a projection of our own mind. When old systems begin to crumble, we experience this as chaos, but in reality, it is merely a shift in focus—a transition from fear to love.

For a long time, our world has been built on control, competition, separation, and fear. These are the foundations of ego-based thinking, which makes us believe that we are separate individuals who must fight for survival. But more and more people are beginning to see through this illusion.

When the old ways no longer work, space is created for something new. This does not mean that the world is literally collapsing, but that the way we experience it is changing. We are beginning to realize that happiness, peace, and love do not depend on external circumstances but on the choice we make in our mind.

ACIM teaches us that everything we perceive is a reflection of our inner state. As our collective mind shifts, so does our world. What we now see as chaos may simply be the birth pains of a new consciousness.

We ourselves play a crucial role in this transformation. Our growing awareness of our true Self and the power of our own mind is what will shape the new world.

This aligns perfectly with ACIM, which teaches that we are not victims of the world we see, but its creators. When we stop projecting fear and align ourselves with love, we begin to experience a different reality.

Some days ago I wrote about a VR headset. As long as you believe the virtual world is real, you react to it as if it were your actual experience. But once you realize it’s just a projection, you can choose how to interact with it. The same applies to our world: once we see through the illusion, we can choose a new vision, guided by love instead of fear.

The shift we are going through now is leading to something that has never been seen before on Earth. Not because a utopian society is being built, but because our consciousness is changing. This does not mean the world will suddenly become “perfect” in an external sense, but it does mean we will experience it differently.

When enough people remember who they truly are—beings of love, one with God and with each other—this will have an effect on the collective consciousness. We are moving from a world of fear and separation to a world where connection and compassion take center stage.

This is not a distant future, but an inner process that begins here and now. Every time you choose forgiveness over judgment, love over fear, and peace over conflict, you contribute to this shift.

You may wonder: how can I experience this transformation in my own life? Here are a few simple guidelines inspired by ACIM :

See chaos as an opportunity to awaken. Everything you now see as “wrong” can be an invitation to look deeper and choose love instead of fear.

Let go of old thinking patterns. Competition, judgment, and fear were the building blocks of the old world. Release them and choose trust and connection instead.

Trust your inner guide. The Holy Spirit will lead you to a new perspective. You don’t have to do this alone.

Realize your own power. You create your experience through the way you choose to see. You are not powerless but a co-creator of love.

Live in the Now. Everything you need is here and now. The future is not something to fear, but the result of the loving choices you make today.

What we now see as chaos is simply the transition to a higher consciousness. We do not need to fear what is happening but can allow ourselves to be guided by trust. The old world may be crumbling, but what is taking its place is a reminder of what has always been true: Love is the only reality.

You hold the key. How will you choose to see the world today?

With love and light,


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Susan Dack

Great post

By Gonny

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