In the light of A Course in Miracles (ACIM), time isn’t what we think it is. It might feel like there’s a past, a present, and a future, but in reality, time is like one big moment where everything happens simultanious. Think of it like a movie that’s already filmed—you can rewind, pause, or fast forward, but all the scenes are already there.
However, in the world we experience, time seems to move in a straight line, but this still gives us the chance to see things differently—to change how we ‘feel’ about the past, enjoy the present, and shape our future.
ACIM teaches us that the past isn’t really “out there” somewhere; it’s only in our mind. We remember events and carry stories about what happened, but those stories can change depending on how we feel now. For example, you might remember a childhood trip as being super fun, but if you’re in a sad mood, the same trip might seem boring or difficult. The trip itself didn’t change—only how you see it changed.
This is good news because it means you can decide to see things in a new way. When you look back at your memories with kindness and forgiveness, even tough times can seem softer. You don’t have to change what happened—you just change how you feel about it. It’s like taking off a pair of dark sunglasses and putting on clear ones instead. The scene is the same, but now it’s brighter and lighter.
And when it comes to the future, it’s not written in stone. It’s more like a blank page that you get to fill in with what you want. If you think about the future with worry, it feels heavy, like a big dark cloud hanging over you. But if you look at the future with curiosity and hope, it becomes like a sunny day, full of possibilities.
Right now, in this moment, is where you have all your power. You get to decide how you see the past and how you want to think about the future. It’s like holding the steering wheel of your life. You might not be able to control everything that happens, but you can decide how to steer through it. This makes life feel lighter and more fun because you’re not stuck in old stories or fears about what’s coming.
When you realize that you have this choice, you can let go of the things that weigh you down and make room for what makes you feel good. If the past, present, and future all depend on how you look at them right now, why not choose a way that makes you happy?
It’s a simple choice you can make right here and now. And it makes a world of difference.